Research & Development


The company stresses the importance of research, development, creativity, and innovation so that it will become the leader of innovation and creativity with consumer benefits as a priority.

The research and development department of the company is at the heart of the company in responding to changing consumer behaviors and needs. The company encourages continuous improvement and development of its products, and the research and development department has the primary responsibility to research, develop, and create new innovation to assist the company in becoming the leader of innovation and creativity, with consumer benefits as a priority.

Developing high-quality products also includes the process of ensuring that the products meet the required standards from research through to production. The company assigns Quality Control unit (QC) the task of inspecting and controlling the quality of the products before delivering the products to consumers to generate trust and satisfaction.

QC inspects and controls the quality of the products from the process of acquiring the raw ingredients to packaging, adopting Good Professional Practice and complying with ASEAM GMP.

Quality Check and Control


Chemical Quality Check


Packaging Quality Check


Material Quality Check

การตรวจสอบค่าความเป็นกรด-ด่าง (การตรวจสอบ pH)

Determination of viscosity

การตรวจสอบค่าความหนืด (viscosity)

Determination of specific gravity

การตรวจสอบค่าความถ่วงจำเพาะ (specific gravity)

Weighting Packaging


Finished product quality check
